Fishing Trips on the Kenai River
At All Alaska Outdoors you’ll find a dedicated guide staff with years of experience fishing the mighty Kenai River. Our custom 20-foot river boats put you in the thick of the “runs,” whether you’re seeking trophy Sockeye, Silver Salmon or Giant Rainbows. Don’t worry about having the right gear, our guides will provide you with premium equipment and tackle to land your catch. All that’s left for you to do is sit back and enjoy the day. We offer 5-and-a-half hour trips where you may target one species.
For the diehard angler, consider a full day trip targeting monster Silvers with Sockeyes or Rainbows depending on the timing of your stay. We make every effort to help you reel in that trophy catch you’ve only ever dreamed of landing, but keep in mind that target species are subject to change with prevailing conditions. No matter what season, our expert guides will help you make the catch of a lifetime at All Alaska Outdoors.

Kenai Sockeye Salmon
The Kenai river supports one of the largest returns of Sockeye Salmon in the world. Each year, 1-2 million fish return to our waters. We see the first fish hitting the lower river in late May. These fish are actually heading to the Russian River, but can be intercepted in our traditional fishing grounds. We are targeting this run until late in June, when we start to see a shift to a larger strain of fish, and a much larger run, the Mainstream Kenai Salmon. By mid July, numbers are usually very strong and we typically see a shift from a 3 fish limit increased to 6 fish. This creates a real opportunity for the harvest of the highest quality wild protein. 6 fish limits are usually achievable though the first week in August.
Though Sockeye Salmon fishing is all about the harvest, expect some great fun, as well. These fish fight hard. They jump and peel line. They can be frustratingly difficult to land. We think your up to it! And after you succeed, we will expertly handle your catch, vacuum sealed and airline ready for the trip home and your dining table.
Silver Salmon On The Kenai River
Kenai River Silvers provide great sport on light tackle during August and September. Silver salmon are famous battlers, acrobatic jumpers and aggressive biters. Silvers allow for a variety of fishing techniques. Still fishing with bait provides opportunity for all anglers, regardless of fishing skill level. Diehard anglers can cast Spinners, and when water conditions allow, we can use Fly Gear. The current daily limit is two fish in August and three fish in September. Limit catches are common and at times the fishing is good enough to allow for some catch and release salmon fishing before you keep your last fish.
Kenai River Rainbow Trout
The Kenai River is famous for harboring some of the largest Rainbows in the world. Every season, our guides are putting guests on fish over 30 inches. This is a Fly Fisherman’s ultimate challenge. When conditions are right, the action can be fast and furious. Expect lots of smaller fish, great for kids or just staying hooked up. But when that monster takes, get ready, the fight is something you will never forget! We can target these fish and the resident Dolly Varden hanging out with them from June 11th until we close the doors after September. Fishing tends to be really good early after the “opener” and during September, after the fish have grown heavy from a summer of feeding. They are desperate to put on that final weight to get thru the long winter and feeding actively. This is a strictly catch-and-release fishery, and we can arrange light tackle for spin fishing or fly fishing depending on your preference.