Brown bears on the Kenai Peninsula and the surrounding area in Alaska often grow to over 10 feet in length and height, cresting 1000 pounds in weight during their 20-plus year life span. They are omnivores, and due to the high density of plant life and the storied waves of migrating salmon, the habitat around Kenai is perfectly suited to support a high number of large bears. Brown Bears tend to be stronger and larger than their Black Bear cousins. Brown Bears tend to be stronger and larger than their Black Bear cousins and are considered among the most omnivorous of all animal species: they have been known to eat a shocking diversity of plants and animals. Brown Bears are considered among the most omnivorous of all animal species: they have been known to eat a shocking diversity of plants and animals. Although Brown Bear attacks are extremely rare, it is always a good idea to view them under the care of an experienced guide and from a safe distance. These bears are considered in the “least concern” category of endangered species, meaning they are thriving in their natural habitat on the Alaskan coastline. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website, Brown Bears (due to their tendency to hunt and socialize in large groups) have even developed complex communication skills to live harmoniously and mitigate serious fighting (although male bears will sometimes tussle with each other). Experience the shocking awe and power of these beautiful creatures with a bear viewing trip from All Alaska Outdoors.

Our Mission
Here at All Alaska Outdoors it is our mission to share the beauty and wonder of our state in the most safe, professional and effective way possible. Whether you’re coming to see majestic brown bears patrolling the crest of a tumbling waterfall, blood-red salmon cascading under a craggy mountain peak, or simply to gaze upon the breathtaking phenomenon that is the northern lights, we have everything you need to ensure a perfect trip. See for yourself why so many hunters, fishermen, hikers and sightseers trust our professional flight team, guides, and our first-class lodging to ensure that they truly had the experience of a lifetime in America’s last frontier. Give us a call today to learn more and book your dream trip.